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Confused by social emotion


| can we talk about this? having a title without a post feels so much ghost town. idk if someome gets the same feeling

| I'm not confused by social emotion but being social just also isn't enjoyable to me

| >>46853e
Cant, just u

| >>955998 no, I cant

| >>46853e

| >>956002 nigger

| >>955972 just don't reply to lazy OP

| >>d2e18f
Good job doing the opposite of that

| It's fine just take over the thread instead of bitching about it

| >>956058 *fucks your mouth*

| >>9ccb21

| unironically kill yourself OP.

| >>5d02aa
you need to try harder to make me

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1684043427

This thread is permanently archived