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Just not that funny

| The title is about me. I feel like I'm really just not very funny around my friends lately and that bugs me. I like to make people laugh but something's just different about me lately and I can't tell what's up. I'm having trouble just being funny

| You are not a toy, and there is a lot more to you than just your entertainment value.
If your friends truly abandon you simply for making them laugh a little bit less than usual, they never have been your friends to begin with.
And if it is not as extreme and as I allude to - they will more than understand that you're just not up to snuff right now. Nobody is on top of their game all the time. Every comedian needs time to rest and come up with new material.

| They say that the funniest people are often the saddest so what you're describing doesn't suprise me. We all run out of steam at times but never forget to take care of yourself so you're ready for when you bounce back.

| OR... you're doing just fine but is in need of a break or some creative inspiration. Maybe it's time to change things up and seek out some new experiences. Every creative person experiences some degree of "writers block" at some point in life and comedy isn't any different.

| Hey g/u/rls thanks for the responses to my first post! These did actually make me feel better so stay fresh

| You should try to have sex with some of them

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1683755288

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