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I feel better knowing

| I have little to no control of my past, while my past and the environment I grown up hardwired me to react the way I currently am, by a large extent.

I could blame myself for not knowing better all I want, and I do have responsible for what I have done, doing and will be doing.

But right now I feel like the best I could do is think of how I could do better next time and accept that part of me.

I am just all the sudden, tried of guilt tripping myself.

| And these thoughts manifest from a part of me as well.

| This is the ending I chooses to have, I save myself from my own jail, and from the jail someone once pushed me in for their schelme.

| Deeznut.

| *fucks your mouth*

| >>128320
*run your entire family over with a truck*

| >>955168 poggers

| I will not absolve you OP, you've used the word I too much

| Isnt it so fucked that we are slaves to the ways we were raised?

| We are prisoners that not only built our own prison, but rejoice in it.

| We always have the exit

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1683701337

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