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It's time for /u/ to decide once and for all...

| do you redtext the post number or ID when replying

| >>954735
for immediate replies
for longform answers

| This isn't even a question. Only newg/u/rls tag IDs.

| >>954743 /thread

| >>954743 /thread

| >>c294a1 /thread

| >>6ced9a /thread (*_*)

| >>fa0a74 /thread

| >>c294a1 Im a new g/u/rl and can confirm

| quote a post if you're replying. quote an ID if you're talking about a person, but only if you can't call them OP or g/u/rl.

| >>c294a1 If you are addressing the person in general rather than a specific post then it makes sense to quote their ID

| The issue is quoting an ID might make sense at that moment in time, but once a few more replies are posted and half the thread above and below the post that tagged the g/u/rl light up, it stops making sense. Always tag by post number, wherever possible. IDs get too messy and makes it difficult to follow a thread in any meaningful capacity.

| >>954820 >>954833 Wrong NERDS. Now get in the locker

| Help i cant see the post number

| >>54335f yo, fellow spam bot, how ya doin'?

| >>83c3b5 eat dick, human

| Idgaf, anyone who does needs to find god

| I use Harvard (1eecad, 2023)

| But post number >>955342 i use if i want reply to something

ID >>1eecad if i want adress to someone..

Some examples:
>>1eecad was right, Harvard is really bad style how to reply
>>955342 based
>>955342 I agree with you
>>955342 Why would you fucking do that?
>>1eecad Can i add you on Discord or something?

I think that >>955342 can be considered as standart way how to talk to people
>>1eecad if you want adress someone and make it more personal

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1683456579

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