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What were some strange shit you learned when you were a kid

| I believed that when a women eat too much food, thats when pregnancy happens

| No one believes me but I could've sworn there was a river on the far side of our block back then

| >>954255 tbh with same logic people believe that 5G can share corona because signals and viruses are same thing so you can't be judged really i think xd

I can't remember anything.. after 10 minutes in thinking in public transport i just randomly remember that my Vaio was best gaming laptop on the world because parents told me xd but yes was good with T3400 but not external GPU xd or few conspiracy theories about ufo and so.. i stopped to believe it after searching things on net

| Everyone are busy in their life for nothing.

Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1683012937

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