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Favorite dinosaur

| What's your favorite dinosaur, g/u/rl?

| I'm new to this planet, what's a dinosaur?

| Either Formisaur or Formidino

| gonna keep it simple and say t-rex

| simply t rex too

| that's a really tough uesyion!

| Yoshi

| >>954270 I can make your qosietun tough if you know what I mean

| Flying one! I forget name

| >>954292 or this or any pokemon

| velociraptor~ :3 :3 >w< uuu

| Stegosaurus! But apparenty these stegosauruses weren't even meat-eaters? ...Must've prefered shellfish or something. Probably why their necks were 15 meters long so they could stick their heads down the ocean to catch prey.

| >>80ed7f ???tge long necks were to keep their heads above water so they could breathe d*mbass

| >>954632
Bah, what do you know? Stegelosaurus lived on land and shellfish tend to live on the ocean floor. How else would they hunt?

| >>954632 Big necks were to deepthroat each other according to recent paleontology research

| after some new findings, plesiasaurs.
turns out they are literally just giant penguins

| Balhuticaris
Cambrian period best period

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1683179760

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