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Do you have lucid dreams?

| I want to have lucid dreams because I hate losing control when I fall asleep. What technique do you use to induce lucid dreams? And what does it feel like to be in a lucid dream? Similar to VR? Real life? What happens if you have sex during one? Do you wake up wet?

| u get prgnant

| >>953900 very fucking relaxed in life then practice sleep as it was your literally dream job. I think you sort of learn to control it as you so it. It's hard only if I don't get to take my time on to sleep.
About sex, I think it depends, probably if you masturbate a lot you'll find your hand between your legs very often... and ruin the bed. A thing that can be done is to consume porn like a religion to trigger "sex event" in your dreams.
Also this >>953917, use protections!

| "yes", i'm not aware i'm dreaming, i can't control what will happens in dreams, but i can control myself and interact with dream

| You hate losing control when you sleep? That sounds like insomnia in the making lol

| sometimes, but my dreams are crazy enough that I usually just enjoy the ride~

| >>953989 I actually have insomnia and take some antipsychotics prescribed to treat schizophrenia to be able to sleep despite not being a schizo. They knock me out fairly strongly to the point I stop caring about losing control. I don't know if that will affect my ability to attempt lucid dreaming

| I cant tell if I already have. What's the difference between vivid and lucid dreams

| >>954140 In a lucid dream, you are aware that you are in a dream and can control them. In a vivid dream, they seem realistic but you don't know that it's a dream. They aren't mutually exclusive, some lucid dreams can be vivid

| used to have lucid dreams here and then
never used a technique, it just happened on its own, but i also often have vivid dreams so that may also be a factor

| Today i dreamed about that i commited rapid terrorist attack inside building where was some kind of aliens trying to kill them. They did bleed out outside after release some kind of gas bomb. Than i left and meet with "bad" people from Alice in borderlands

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1683010182

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