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Your dead gods

| Sucks balls.

| At least i am sleepy.

And you can't. Not sure why. Kekw

| Well. You are nice. That's why you need to git. Cuz yer the nicest. Or maybe not.
Ye cant. Simple fucking human frauds.

| Ahmed and its tiresome camels looking for rests behind stones. Guess it can also fuck itself out of boredom.

| No helping that one. Unless you are a god. Which you, must not be.

| That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die.

| Класс я негр!

| >>953901 meow
>>953922 whats that?

| wish they would tbh

| >>953954 "its been 1400 child" smh idk

| >>953901

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1682750051

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