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Whats the ielts equivalent of test in china?

| Like for getting jobs?

| I thought you were trying to sounds like Ukranian?

| >>953831 too late. The russians did that.

| HSK is main test but ielts is a speaking test right?

| >>953854 i dont think so. Writing included.

| I'm not sure what IELTS is, but the Chinese govt uses the HSK to determine if a foreigner can get citizenship, study there etc

| >>953886 ok i see. What about other languages? Is there a list of them?

| >>953952 i think you'd have to go online and see what each country has. There are different tests and different scales. CEFR (Central European Framework Reference) is a commonly used level rubric, but some tests don't really adhere to it. So as far as what governments accept what tests, you'll have to find out on a case by case basis as far as I know

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1682810024

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