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hey guys quick question

| any of you that have dealt with or are currently dealing with extreme self loathing how did you overcome it or at least cope?

| currently! im coping with some sort of escapism but it's ruining my life. i'd like advice too

| I turn it into fuel for self improvement. If I hate myself, I should work on myself to make the better version of myself. Some tell me it's unhealthy, but those same people are also content watching 3 hours of Tiktok and giving in to sin. Turn you hatred strength.

| >>953742
I have no reason to do this because nobody cares. I dont care either because nobody else does. I used to care for just myself but I realized how pointless it is if literally no one validates me ever.

| religion and food

| i cope by cutting and overeating junkfood to slowly kill myself and then cutting as punishment for overeating and cutting as punishment for being a stupid cutting bitch and cutting cuz thats what stupid cutting bitches are supposed to do

| being a massive slut on vrchat helps too sometimes you even meet someone that thinks your cutting addiction is hot

| >>5ac6f2
what a god forsaken creature you are.

| Needing the validation of others is weak. You are the only person that matters. Your perception of reality is the only one you will ever be able to verify; therefore, all others are not worth considering. Take validation that every step you make takes you further away from the self that you hate.
P.S. cutting is kinda hot ngl, you free tomorrow?

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1682724866

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