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Anyone here trying to get fit?

| Decided a while ago to get fit and lose weight (healthily) but i recently injured my ankle playing soccer.

How can I keep staying fit while not being able to do my usual exercises? I've gained ten pounds since I hurt my ankle and I'm feeling really terrible

| swimming!

| >>953662 this, especially since you hurt your ankle. swimming is extremely gentle with your joints

| if you hurt your ankle, then cut off your leg. One leg weighs ≈13 pounds

| I'm following a jogging regime rn
gonna add some standstill exercises soon

| >>4615d7 Gotcha, gonna find a local pool to go to

| What exercises do you usually do, OP?

| Of course with Wii Fit U!

| During injury you need to be getting enough protein, and of you wanna lose those gained pounds make sure to be in a caloric deficit. You can find different BMR (Base Metabolic Rate) calculators. Harvard has one, workout sites do as well. Use em and get a good idea of how many calories you're probably burning just breathing.
Make sure you're getting AT LEAST 1 gram of protein per 2lb you weigh. So if you're 160 then at least 80g protein a day.

| You could try weight lifting excersizes that don't strain the ankle, like curls, bench presses or butterfly.

And don't worry too much about the weight you gained during your pause. I regained almost three pants sizes in belly circumference (I never bothered to weight myself during that time so I can't give you any better numbers than that) during the second corona lockdown and lost it al again in a few month once the sport studio was open again.

| >>8efaff I usually do strength and leg exercises because I play soccer, I'm also in a calorie deficit but it's hard because my girlfriend keeps giving me good food lol

| >>953662 That's great because my girlfriend loves swimming, but my stomach makes me self conscious

| holy shit this thread is too legit

the lack of memes or lewdness tells me this board is full of fitness g/u/rus or something and im here for it

| Been thinking of starting a general fitness routine to stay in shape more or less, but other than that nothing, really. But I should also work on my diet

| >>954171
consider it a built-in flotation device ;)

| >>954172 here is a lewd fitness advice fir you:
Have sex and be the active partner. Pound some bussy or ride a cock.

| >>953655 masturbation 3-5x per day, playing esport games, procrastinate food, drink cola.. if your weight is higher than 65 kg, try walk outside and run randomly to bus etc

Also VR, Wii Sports, Wii Fit U, Switch Sports etc. Can also help

| >>954527 i think i'm overweight with 65 now but paradoxically it's lower average in my country.. also Being hikki and don't give a shit about annoying things can also help i think
Did you ever saw hikkis or players being fat? I honestly don't

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1683011626

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