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Looking back fuck me up big time and dont even know why

| Google photo likes to throw me casual pictures that I took, just looking at random building I have been fuck me up, I feel like I am running away/suppressing something I dont even know.

| Oh, same.

| I have a whole list of traumatic events happened on me through out my growing up, I now luckly moved on phsyically and mentally.

| I think I should be facing it

| I shouldnt accept to feel like this anymore

| I dont like feeling sorry about myself

| How should I approach this

| drink yourself to sleep and hope you don't remember the trauma tomorrow.
t. the /u/ psychologist
(do not actually do this)

| How come every third person has some unspeakable trauma they have to get off their chest?

| >>952971
Life's just like that.

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1682249109

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