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Uncommon '80s Punk Music

| I'm not talking abbout The Clash or those other commonly popular punk bands of the era.

These are the lesser-known artists discovered in my wanderings.

| 1: The Y-Pants
Great band; has kind of an esoteric, sometimes 'Mexican' sound (They sing in Mexican at times as well)

| 2. The Raincoats
A groovy and eclectic sound. Sometimes reminiscent of '60s pop, sometimes of African Rhythms. Kurt Cobain has claimed they were an inspiration.

| 3 The GymSlips
Cool orchestral synthy sound. I love 'em.

| 4. Screaming Sneakers
Very cool and sort of nostalgic in a way. Feels sort of summative of the '80s in a way.

| good picks :)

| 5. Pylon
Cool sound. Dark and Groovy I really love what they do with the bass and the harsh, petulant vocals

Btw feel free to post ur own. This isn't just my thread...

| bumping for Pylon

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1682187705

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