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i have no issue making friends whatsoever

| unfuck yourselves

| Friends? G/u/rl, you've been talking to yourself in your room for hours. Have you taken your schizophrenia medicine?

| >>952193 Yes, she did.
t. pills in her stomach.

| using a weeb text board and stating this... how can we believe that

| is saying "unfuck yourselves" supposed to help me somehow? do you think i'm not trying literally every day to unfuck myself? i'm in ten hours of therapy a week. and it's gonna be years until i'm healthy enough to make friends! you wanna know why it's gonna take so long? cause when i go out and try to make friends i meet people who say "unfuck yourselves" like it's so fucking easy.

suck my cock, op.

| Loose pussy energy

| ya'll have friends?

| >>952314 *smugs*
stay mad friendlet

| >>952189 i will masturbate anytime i want to

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1682001565

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