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the friends we made along the way were FAKE!!!

| >I guess it turns out the real April fool... was the friends we made along the way. <3

Implying the "friends we made along the way" were all in our heads?

| Implying we made friends at all

| >>951465 you're my friend now we're gonna get soft tacos later ok?

| just get real friends 5head

| I'm not your friend but I'll suck g/u/rlpp for very cheap

| >>951469 replace sucking g/u/rlpp with eating tacos with me and you have a deal g/u/rl

| >>3ab1bc you really want to eat tacos today, eh

| >>951471 I'll will eat your "taco" AND we won't be friends.

| >>951472 don't you?

| >>951476 not really, but I will join you

| fuck yea taco time bb

| >>951461 implying it was April 1st when that announcement was made.

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1681484351

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