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Got any podcast or informational videos to play on background

| I'm tired of just listening to music. Though if you have good music to share that's great too

| Pseudiom makes stuff in this vain.

| Teoria Chaosu Radio Paranormalium

| >>951280 zajeb się

| >>951281 giereś juppi

| I like Cartoonist Kayfabe. They talk about comics and cartooning. Their channel is great because theyve got lots of enthusiasm and lots of connections in the comic book industry.

In terms of music I listen to a lot of hour long Old Skool Hardcore mixes.

| Music: Master Boot Record, Perturbator, Sun O)))

Podcast: Hacker Public Radio, Sex Nerd Sandra, Security Now, The Lateral, A Problem Squared

| Pill pod is a good philosophical podcast. They're all mid 30s uni teachers and try to apply it to modern day stuff.

| Casual Navigation

| Drachinifel, Perun, hypohystericalhistory, Wendigoon

| no

| Critical Role


| Vsauce

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1681903450

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