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Things to be excited about keep yourself alive.

| Get to know more thing?

| Food can be one

| Art is fun when no audience involve

| I like few people

| Cats

| Skys

| Tree

| I have a hard time being excited about any of those things honestly, I'm a nerd so I'll say watching technology progress

Also just learning new things learning is fun as long as it's something you're genuinely interested in

| i enjoy encouraging the people around me to grow and watching them do so.
it's like the nerds on the internet are my children and i'm taking care of them

no i'm not going to dom you don't even fucking reply

| art and creating art, music and producing music, all the movies and shows i've seen YEARS ago but want to rewatch. my pet cat. you know what? cats in general. life itself.

like you only have one shot in life. don't fuck it up.

| >Art is fun when no audience involve
I get it but also no. The entire point of media is attention.
still that makes sense especially now. doodles and general pastime art without sharing to anyone is fine. but i think if you're actually into art you should strive to create "finished products" to show people, there's a certain satisfaction to it on top of enjoying the activity

| >>951016 this 100%!

| >>951016 >you don't understand, you HAVE to produce PRODUCT, you just have to okay??
jesus christ sis

| even tho it's not much, i still feel good knowing a few people enjoy the things i put out. i've read some really encouraging and insightful things that give me motivation i lack, for the most part, in life.

| wouldn't agree with "the entire point of media is attention".

| damn fine cup of coffee

| sex

| >>5fd630
Yes roast that mf

| your mom.

| Innovation, the descovering of new solutions to problems. Mostly on the robotics side!


| I just want to say I'm proud of everyone here and you're all doing great meow~!!!

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1681254511

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