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On the off chance you happen to be a San Francisco femboy

| Hit me up I’ll get u a drink and make u truly bitching pasta ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ

Uhh if you’re actually an SF femboy ping @gay retard on the discord and say “makers mark old fashioned” or something

| how about an SF trans g/u/rl? I'll be near SF this summer and femboy is pretty close to what I am

| too far

| *cries in euro*
why can't we have a meet and fuck on this side of the atlantic as well?

| >>951227 be the change you want to see in the world

| maybe i should join the disc

| >>951107 fasho g/u/rl hmu :]

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1681431533

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