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occasionally dreams of traumatic past

| Should i do any thing?

| https://depts.washington.edu/uwbrtc/wp-content/uploads/Nightmare-Protocol.pdf

| stop being an asshole

| inflict your trauma onto other people so that it stops haunting you (that's how it works)

| If it's not disturbing your sleep or waking life too much then I'd say its safe to ignore or maybe bring up with a therapist/ trusted friend. But if the frequency changes and you feel like it's a lot of handle then definitely get it checked out professionally.

Sometimes confiding in someone and venting can help with traumatic memories but remember to be gentle with yourself!

Best of luck, g/u/rl and I hope you have nicer dreams soon o/

| >>e9f15c
I love you

| have you checked your blood pressure?

| >>8f55f1 why would blood pressure effect dreams, asking for a g/u/rl.

| >>950618
high blood pressure can lead to lower oxygen levels in the blood during sleep and therefore an increased heart rate, which can manifest as disturbing dreams or nightmares. your body is basically in low oxygen panic mode while you're unconscious.

high blood pressure isn't the only cause though. people who snore or are overweight are also at risk. it's called sleep apnea and there are several treatments available.

| >>950554 love you too, g/u/rl u.u

| I had a dream about a sweet memory.

| >>950459 your dbt handouts are exactly the same as mine, except the title is aligned left instead of centered.

| occasionally dreams of your mom

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1681244488

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