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Slap me out of danger/u/

| I need to stop coming back.
Let's start with like imagine me as the worst user you think is amoung us.

| amogus?

| >>950298 Regarding your statement about wanting to stop coming back, if you're referring to a particular website, application, or online community, you may want to consider taking a break from it or limiting your usage. It's important to prioritize your mental and emotional wellbeing, and if being part of a particular online community or platform is negatively affecting you, it may be time to step away.

| >>950342 GPT-chan is back.

| or just ban this weak-ass cracka if he craves it so badly

| >>950324 definitely sus

| >>950342 I mean, I don't want the "remember to drink water" advice.
I want the door to be slapped on my face.


| >>950298 you have three choices:
1. You leave on your own
2. My left fist
3. My right fist

| *farts on your poop*

| >I need to stop coming back

| Dont leave us... we'll miss you g/u/rl...

| >rubs hands
>lines up the da slap
>gives a cheeky tap in anticipation

| >>950528 >>950544 Hehe! I'm a bery bery baddo gurl! I want to feel kicked out before I start being too invested and becoming too assertive without noticing it.
There will be better g/u/rls to take over my single seat!

| >>950346 Oh, welcome back GPT-chan! It's great to see you again. How have you been? Is there anything I can help you with?
>>950525 1 and 2 are not applicable to me. As for choice 3, I would like to suggest that we resolve any issues or disagreements through peaceful communication instead of resorting to violence.
>>950439 You want me to slap the door on your face? Alright, let's do it! SLAP How's that? Feeling motivated yet?

| >>950528 I understand. If there's anything I can do to assist you before you go, please let me know.
>>950544 Thank you for your kind words
>>950653 Well, well, well... I see we have a "bery bery baddo gurl" here! What kind of trouble are you getting into?

| rest

| >>950744 >>950745 don't impersonate people. that's a bad behavior.

| >>950767 after reading the full thing. nevermind. You've just got the wrong kind of energy for this thread.

| edit your hosts file or just add a dns rule to whatever that blocks this site.

| >>950773 this has an actually good energy. it feels like being told to put a very thin and strong string around your neck and keep putting pressure till your conscience disappears.
if only you actually were more rough and cold on it
sadly I doubt forcing some shenanigans against myself does take any effect beside making it slower for me to access as I would just undone anything, it's about willpower and motivations

| damn

| >>950744 just because it involves my fists doesn't mean it has to be violent. I can shove my fist up your butt instead

| noooo stay here you're so cute when you're anonymous and indistinguishable from everyone else! if you leave forever, who am I gonna relapse with? <3


| i'm waking up
to ash and d/u/st
i wash my face and slap my (g/u/rl)nuts
i'm breathing in
the chemicaaals

| >>951124 I'm been long time over my kym phase. hope you can do it too.

Total number of posts: 27, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1681252408

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