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| why do spoons spread better than knives do

| >>950266 well, what do you expect? You can't make a clean murder with a fucking spoon retard
It's oblivious that you're gonna leave blood everywhere with a SPOON for a killer's weapon!

| >>950266
because spoon is best

| I just want be little spoon of dom girl~

| physics, bro.

| elona musk

| Dat smooth and large surface area, though it's harder to despread

| >>950627
no you just scrape with the other side.

| >mfw the girl you have a crush on comes into the kitchen and sees your 120kg fat ass standing next to a stick of butter with a spoon sticking out of it
>"I was in the pool! I was in the pool!"

| how to spoon
dick hard in the butt
tity in my hand
kiss yer neck
hell yeah

| dick hard in the butt
tity in my hand
kiss yer neck
hell yeah

| what

| >>950435 you beat me to it. I'll be it for u tho dont worry (/ω\)

| >>950687 nooo... :c beat me~

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1681045313

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