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This place isn't girl enough, g/u/rls...

| We're in a time of crisis...

We need to act quickly before the old Danger/u/ is swept away forever...

| What's should we g/u/rls do to make it more girl?


| show t-g/u/rl bobs

| >>950265 this can be the only solution

| how is it not girl enough?

| we can be more supportive of g/u/rls and do a better job att ignoring toxic hags who pretend they're boys for scraps of dopamine

| There are no boys on the internet!

| >>950242 do you think that we can call back gurl what was bringing mom stories?

| >>950496 can you be my mom?

| Pray that /u/ gets mentioned in nirvana

| I want to cuddle with a trendy single mom in a hot tub full of liquefied estrogen supplements and pumpkin spice lattes. The ugg boots stay on.

| >>950688 Hot.

| sigh

| >>950508 no, but i can do elona posting or beg for 50k.. i can sometimes do sniper things but rarely

| also i can do spoiled brat what is asking for being dominated by girl xd

| or make stupid threads in lain or tech

| or 4 angry burgs in row

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1681045500

This thread is permanently archived