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danger/u/ is shutting down

| Attention all g/u/rls who often the nameless content board, pain/u/! it's with superior dejection that we advise you that the web page will be shutting below because of financial reasons. As you may already know, running a web page can be silent expensive, and unfortunately, the costs have become too much for the producers of pain/u/ to bear. despite the fact that their superior efforts to maintain the station up and running, they have add up to the challenging decision to close it

| We understand that hazard/u/ has been an important platform for many g/u/rls, providing a space to anonymously share thoughts and experiences. The site's closure is undoubtedly a loss to its user community, which has forged strong bonds and found support among themselves.
It is worth noting that the decision to close the /u/ hazard was not an easy one, and the site's creators expressed deep regret at having to take this step.

| They have also stated that they are open to alternate options that may allow the site to continue in some form, but they just cannot afford to keep it functioning for the time being.
We understand that many of you may be feeling bereaved and disappointed as a result of this news. We do, however, encourage you to remember the great impact danger/u/ has had on your life and to treasure the relationships and friendships you have formed through the site.

| April fools was 5 days ago retard

| April Fools' Day happened five days back, ruzki.

| god i wish

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1680800278

This thread is permanently archived