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In this era "too fast"?

| Do you feel that in times 2000-2010 was things slower than in 2010-2020? I feel that people are in rush too much

| *Is this era "too fast"?

| *slowly makes love to your mouth*

| i feel you.

| medias made you just think things are sort of slower. whatever happens in business everything is gonna be a rush. that's how the world has became.

| I mean if you look at meme life cycles then yeah.but it's probably not an absolute.

| yeah

| yeah and i feel left behind

| the older you get, the faster things go

| being an incel/neet causes braindamage and makes it harder to grasp what goes on around you

| >>950408 this hurts

| >>950433
i bet it does, but if you're one of those incel assholes who insults strangers and demean women then you kinda had it comin', braindamage and all.

if it's because of autism or trauma or poverty or anything like that then I feel for you sis. you don't deserve any of those hardships so try to touch more grass, spend more time in the sun etc

| your mom is too fast

| There's too much to consume these days in terms of media. To the point where you can't keep up and stuff just keeps piling up.

Back in my day you only had a Simpsons hit and run to churn butter with. And when this applies to the culture it stacks.

| >>950566
I don't think having too many video games/tv-shows or whatever to chose from has anything to do with this topic...

| The world isn't necessarily moving faster, we're just somewhat more aware of what happens each day thanks to the internet. It wasn't *that* long ago that news would take weeks from happening in one part of the world to being distributed in another.

| >>18dac0 would say the Saturion of things to think and care about is a great deal higher than let's say the 90s or 80s. These days I would say as an example we are on one of the those twister rides at theme parks and older gen were on tea cup rides.

| >>950609
i don't think that's true. people in the 80s and 90s didn't spend less time thinking about stuff than we do today. the world has always been full of things to ponder.

and video games/tv-shows isn't something most people get overwhelmed about, let alone care about. that's more of an otaku/neet thing, if it's even a thing at all.

| >>18dac0 it's undeniable that media and the news has gone full attention economy mode. And as a part of all of these things vying for your attention time gets blurry. Time loss is a meme.

I remember when people owned encyclopedias and they just sat on shelves. People were dumb happy and could buy a house.

Games and anime is for our corner of the world and op. You might be young but we did go from like a couple good games a year to 400 decent shit untouched in the steam library.

| >>950708 i-i own encyclopedias...

| >>950099 no u
>>950103 i think that in these organisations is bigger competition than in past
>>950482 i mean hikki part, i avoid people in general
>>950566 i think that i can agree, i think that there is too much adaptations.
>>950583 maybe partically, in past wasn't so many of them, people need better manage time
>>950592 maybe too, but for example covid did spread faster than other infections as sars or animals infections, i think that globalisation can have effect

| Also national governments was maybe slower and more bureaucracy, for example finland joined eu almost instantly that day, instead 1.5. or some formal date. Also is there many start ups. People are experimenting with cryptocurrencies without fully understand them etc. I think that is here many potential economic bubbles too.
>>950642 in past was media IPs rarer that recycled i think.. Also there was people less care about environment probably.

| >>950748 why do you feel the need to write a shitty reply to every single post in this thread? can't you write a single good one?

| >>950708 for example word "meme" was in past usually tagged as "joke", slang was less english oriented. In a lot countries are now high attempts to have access to english speaking market. And things as anime are become more mainstream oriented.
>>950749 because i'm op and i just want to, deal with it.

| Gurl you literally just got older

| being apathetic is a must, you'd go insane if you put your energy on every thing you'd see. I just imagine someone from like the 19th century, not being conditioned to seeing ads, see shit go from humor,saddness, to motivational speech, in literally less than 10 minutes. I'd bet they'd see it like how we view mobile game ads now.
maybe I can phrase this less cynically like Desensitized or not being impulsive.

| >>950747 The Spanish Flu spread pretty damn quick and that was over a hundred years ago.

Total number of posts: 27, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1681176626

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