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live feels like a fever dream


| play silent hill 3

| Play Silent Hill 2, it's way better.

| play silent hill 1, just to fuck with the above two posters

| play none of the silent hill games and watch the movies instead

| Ignore them, find an irl hill, and sit there in silence

| >>950004 how so? Why do you feel that way? Derealization perhaps?

| play Silent Hill: Book of Memories

| Silent hill was never good

| >silent hill was never good
why do you lie to yourself?

| Play Silent Hill 4, experience a fever dream in a vidya

| play hi-fi rush, ignore all these posters talking about silent hill and just jam in funny cartoon game

| play silent hill 2

| climb the hills of a willing woman and make her silence a thing of the past

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1680846989

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