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| I don't know why I want to be a female but it's annoying. I'm kind of a freak. its disgusting really. Is killing myself the only thing I can do?

| I don't usually advocate suicide, but for this thread? Yeah, you should kill yourself. I recommend rope or jumping off a high building. Thanks in advance!

| tbh I dont know how I ended up this way. I shoukd've died in a car accident or something. it only gets worse

| Have you tried being a g/u/rl? :D

| what the fuck is a female
there is only 1 gender and is g/u/rl

| nah cut that out. you matter. why let it all go to waste?

| the solution is to become a bioengineer and work hard to usher in a process that will allow for full and effective genetic rewriting of human code.

| >>950035 or just eat estrogen burg tbh

| >>950045
if that worked then I'd have already done so...

| just get some radiations, replay the rng based game till you get something you like. ez

| >>949871 use twitter instead, you can be a girl there

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1680716848

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