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getting over/your unentertaining commentaries are undivine then

| i seem to have been stucked to wanting to draw https://twitter.com/hood_x_art/status/1642061768540426244?s=20 in exact but cant so
it s either get or not get
so what do i do

how do i get over
because it is trivial

| have sex

| >>949627 whoa. too risky
anything else more logical

| >>949631 huh! maybe, just, maybe you're more AHEM! Adapt to be a pattingslut then!! Uhmp! Like, if you can't into sex??! Then how do you get the thinkthing, EH?? yea lol. Don't bother. be like some famous actor or like totally not a president! You know, the wizard or something that does things. Bleeeeeh, just fucking become a samurai, shits like weiding a blade goes to weiding a pen. Have you like even done thaaAaaaAaat? Yea, betcha. th-that's why you're the pervert, PERVERT!!

| ah yes it's fuck lol spelled wield dambaboomaaaaass

| >>949637 i feel like i'm reading an extra quirky stroke

| >>949631 have sex

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1680496587

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