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how do i find the motivation to do literally anything

| im rotting...
wake up 3am, go to sleep at 2pm or 6pm. do absolutely nothing between those hours, just listening to music over and over again while playing minesweeper. that's literally all i do. dont even want to play games or watch anything. how do i get out of this

| By the way, I am Pomu de una famulia noble Pomulia

| Tu es una pomu de la familia de pomu!

| *fucks your mouth*

| same, let's just meet and have segs

| what a lifestyle.

just do other shit. the fact that you've thought about wanting more out of this is a step forward.

| >>949479

| Idk op but I've been there it's not a permanent place and you can do better

| it sounds trite, but start going outside

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1680583777

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