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Describe yourself as a drink

| Mine is Izumi Gold, fruit noted sake

| Cum fluids

| Dark & Stormy

| get punch

| Cream Soda

| Fringe Weaver

| zen star
sounds balanced and looks good until you get into it

| Sunshine cloud
I'm addicted to sweets

| that drink jill laughs about

| water
fuck you

| Absinthe, I'm a green fae.

| Cobalt Velvet; I sound better than I actually am.

| The one with orange and vodka

| Zen Star
Cause I am disgusting

| Niggers

| paper plane cocktail made with ble ded whiskey instead of bourbon, poured over crushed ice amd garnished with lemon

| Coca-Cola (i don't drink anything else, people are 70% water, but i'm 70% this)

| >>b0076e
Seek help

| >>949805
>Dentists hate her!

| Plik

| Bad touch

| piano man. I don't play the piano but I'm a man.

| >>949880 on the internet? Yeah right. Sure bud.

| >>949475 I'm in the Absinthe gang as well. Preferrably on the rocks, rather than the fancy light up a sugar cube and let it drip into the drink spiel.

| >>949805 what the fuckk

| Dog water

| piano woman. I play the piano but I'm a g/u/rl.

| >>950304 No, u are cat water, just because dog water already taken

| >>949820 >She has 97 mental illnesses and is banned from most public spaces xd
>>949933 but when i cut myself my blood is red and metalically sweet but not gothically black ;-; idk maybe yumi kawaii

| Salty and sticky

Total number of posts: 30, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1680833450

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