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I donated blood on Monday

| I feel bad since then. My head is lightheaded and dizzy, my entire left half of chest and shoulder hurts constantly, I can't do anything physical. What to do? It's almost a week. I donated 450ml.

| Eat properly and hydrate better?

| Yeah, that's pretty normal. Make sure you eat, drink, and rest plenty, and maybe take some iron supplements.

| Consult professional

| Do you weight 40kg or something? Feeling like that on the same day is pretty normal, but if you're like that after all this time, better see a doctor gurl.

| >>949251 120kg

| >>e2de60
Any better today?

| >>949335
Second this question.

If I were you I'd call the hospital and ask them about it.

| I donated my cum to your mom on monday

| do not seek profesional medical help from the g/u/rls mate

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1680459889

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