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jesus fuck why is existing so scary

| i need a xanax or something

| How so? I find existing quite relaxing

| Just fight life

| Demand to speak to life's manager

| for me, just existing is safe. but just existing PLUS doing something else? that shit's impossible how does everyone do it

| easy! imagine be a cute penguin, you live in hometown but BOOM, you're caught, blind.
WTF a zoo? Now what? Entertain?! I can't do that shit like ever:(

Now as human, *borns* BOOM. Do your shit little fucker, you're born and you've gotta take your responsabilities.
Arrange yourself before reaching adulthood otherwise you'll be kicked aside and live in doom and having mental restriction like depression which the brain is adddicted of when in afflictions.

| >>946813 this says a lot about society

| >>946813
Existing is struggle even if it weren't industrial society. You either grind or die. That's the truth. The "responsibilities" won't wither away, your fridge will just go empty.

| I wish I was a cute penguin.

| it's only as scary as how much u make it out to be :)

| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHCHrrKsll0

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1678878468

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