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why did i think pretty people are automatically assholes

| wtf. they're not. they're gentle and pleasant to be around. in fact most people aren't as bad as i thought they'd be. it took committing to touching grass to realize this

| tfw pretty people are the lonely ones

| what kind of retarded shit... good on you for touching grass, OP!

| Hell yeah OP! You fucking rock!!

| Answer to title, Because highschool probably

| >>946673
i dont want to sound retarded but the reason why you thought all people were automatically assholes is probably a combination of social conditioning and lack of "experience" (not touching grass).
and this

| There is a phenomenon where being pretty gets the person a lot of attention throughout life and a majority is unwanted/creepy attention. So they subconsciously learn to emit "hostility" to scare away predators.

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1678803117

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