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What's the life you dream of?

| Mine is tbh living in bustling cities, with some wageslave job just decently paid enough to hold on my own. I always get questioned why I'd choose city life over any other, and I don't have a clear answer. Maybe it's just romaticized in my head.

I'm curious which /u/ would choose given the chance and why

| I am living in the dream I've been having since 12 and feels completely empty right now, help

| Making someone happy for once in my life instead of being a disappoinment

| Getting to open a little restaurant or something in a city that's not super big but not small town, and live there with my best friend and my lover
Hopefully travel a fair amount too

| My ideal life would be being able to be a full NEET without having to worry about earning money or starving, I just want to live glued to my computer

| >>946142
Been there, done that. I made a lot of money at 20 and spent almost a decade as an economically independent NEET before it started tearing on me.Eventually I cut my hair and got a job because I'm healthier and happier when I work.

I was toying with this same idea a few years ago but it fell trough due to greedy landlords. Since I live in a small town chances are I wouldn't break even if I stuck with my vision of serving affordable everyday/home cooked-style food.

| cat

| >>946336
Exact same situation tbh lol, but I'm not planning on staying here. I wanna get my money up somehow and then move and start up somewhere better. It's a very very long term plan, not something I'll be doing anytime soon.
Obviously not guaranteed to work at all, but, it would be nice

| wouldnt mind living the rest of my life quietly on some random beach city (nothing popular though)

| The life I wish I have is owning my own PC Café and being able to just live off of it for the rest of my life. I know they just barely make even but it's a lot better than doing stuff you do not enjoy at all.

| i wanna be so rich i can just "float" in life.

| I had a dream once that pretty much described it.
Own and operate a lighthouse on the coast, settle down and raise a family with my beautiful wife

| >>946084 do you also happen to play the violin?

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1678787209

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