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| What about? I can may help you

| listen here, retard. IT'S FINE.

sort of. as i was typing this i already forgot where i was going with this...

| the essay is about gender equality>>945864

| >>945882 some shit like "people and woman are equal"?

| are you the g/u/rl that asked how to throw up?

| >>945882 I mean I could but essays need many points to be taken in order to be validated as such. That's very general when it's alone.

| >>945882 I think that making a discussion over the topic would help you much more.
Although I need you to be willed to cooperate.

| >>945882 nigga please ; if you really need to do this quick use like chat gpt for your "research", add a bunch of fluff and fancy words, pander to your prof, and get an a

| >>945908 nope but thats my friend

| >>945897 yeah

| struggling with a gender equality essay is crazy. such a simple topic bruh.

| >>945941 im just stupid and cant write

| >>945942 we can tell

| universities still fucking obsessed with leftie shit huh

| >>945882 https://justpaste.it/czpqn
this can may help you..
not made by me..
fact checking not promised..

| Depending on how much time you have left to turn in your essay and what type of essay it is, you can make a rough outline of the points you need to discuss. In a 5 paragraph style essay, you would first have an intro paragraph, 3 discussion points and the last paragraph is the conclusion. Paragraph 2-4 can be for what gender equality can look like for each gender. Leaving the 4th paragraph for those that don't align themselves with binary gender.

| Just a idea for a outline of a rough draft. I'm not sure if it's the same for you but don't worry about writing the perfect essay especially while working on the rough draft. Allow yourself to write like "shit" or even starting with writing "I don't know what to write on this topic" most times it's more important to start something. Since you can always edit/revise "bad" writing but you can revise an empty page. Hope this helps, g/u/rl o/

| Use chatgpt

| >>946139 >>946139 >>946139 >>946139 >>946139 this

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1678475259

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