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Is the elona guy an actual bot?

| Or is that dude just a huge fan and decided to keep saying it as a meme. It could also be more than one person now that i think about it

| It's just a meme. Not sure if it's just one guy now

| Autism

| There's like two g/u/rls where it makes up roughly half their post history. The rest is just the odd time someone else posts it.

| Anywhere other than in /v/ early reply are another gurl doing it. I'm Pomu btw

| i addressed it lower in this thread

| <p>Elona</p>

| we are all the elona guy

| >>*fucks your mouth*

| >>*fucks your mouth*

| Autism is a hell of a drug

| >>943300 It could be you. It could be me! It could even b-

| enola

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1677466796

This thread is permanently archived