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How did you cope with social anxiety ?

| Did any of you previously suffered from it ?

I've been feeling alone and empty for some years now, I've had way to much regrets (a lot with girls...) because of this...

I don't want to continue being literally bocchi from bocchi the rock... I'm almost 24, I don't want to regret my twenties... I wasn't like this before... not to that extent...

I know I've got to stop canceling any invitation, and find some activity to interact with people but...

| concerning you, i'll tell you this. shit hits different like crazy once you turn 25. don't worry about being "almost 24". you got a lot of time.

| >I don't want to continue being literally bocchi from bocchi the rock...

| >>943064 Well I just don't want to start my life at 30... I know I'm still young. I wasn't like this at 15, even thou I was introvert, I had a lot of true friends and the only gf I ever had

>>943065 yeaa... the joke was obliged, she's so much relatable, more than any character before like watamote mc... But I guess I give more the komi san vibe or more accurate is sakaki from azumanga.

| good luck bro.

| >>943079 thx buddy


| Just sex

| Drink with people. Go to a bar or something. Just don't drink alone or become an alcoholic <3

| Don't go in society, simple

| If you fake it so hard, you can make you feel yourself as a gigachad, I can confirm fake it till you make it works

| >>943261
it doesnt because when I get home I feel like shit and cry for pretending to be someone that I am not.

| Alcohol and drugs

| >>943264 i'd say you're not faking it hard enough but well, I guess it doesn't work for everyone

| >>f7cd59 this the way, you can stop later once you gain some resist

| I mean I'm in the same position as you so I can't really give you advice beyond stuff like " find IRL people with similar interests" but you probably shouldn't rely on handicapping yourself in order to talk to people.
I know not everyone has a good relationship with their family, but you could try and ask to them for help.

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1677440939

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