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Pls help me in my networking class

| I need to find out how to find if my VM is using a DHCP client through the Linux Terminal.

I have already tried less var/lib/ etc.etc but all of the commands I have found online have not worked. My professor also does not want us to ask him questions for some reason? he just wants us to use google or someshit

Am I supposed to install something on linux to find this?

| ip and ip addr work, but I don't know what i'm supposed to be looking for.

| https://askubuntu.com/questions/1429428/check-if-dhcp-is-enabled-on-an-interface

| If you haven't already, the best thing you can do to network is make a LinkedIn. Start asking people to connect with you. By using LinkedIn, you can collect professionals like pokemon! I've got so many people on LinkedIn, and if ever I have a question about how some industry thing works, I just message them to ask. :D Hope your networking goes as well as mine has, g/u/rl!

| >>942873 Is linkedin really just social media for professionals? I looked at it as if they're all robots honestly. Do they even reply to messages?

| >>942873 OP here.

Noted. I will soon start collecting professionals like pokemon.

| >>942932
it's mostly robots now, but it used to be an actual resource before they tried to make it social media platform

| >>942932 I mean, I know the people I connect with IRL. Devs of software we use, companies we partner with, etc.

| just google it

| you might want to install some networks tools but your probably on ubuntu so it's just sudo apt install

| OP here. I figured it out.

> Type "ip a" in the CLI. Hit enter.
> Go find "2:" (where it says "enp0s3")
> Find inet
> after the listing the iP and the subnet mask thingy it will tell you whether or not the pc is using a DHCP client.

Mine says "dynamic" and the tutor guy on my campus told me that it meant that my PC uses a DHCP client.

| >>943197
>ip a
ip a | grep dynamic

| >>943197 exactly what the link I posted said

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1677265640

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