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My religious aunt and uncle are the worst people I've ever met

| I don't hold it against religion, but I've seen how some narcissistic, insensitive, greedy and insecure douchebags walk around with their heads still high. They beg forgiveness from their god, not from the person they wronged (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

| religion is designed for fucked up people

| >>942593 this

| >>942593 i wouldn't say this covers every branch of religion. some retarded. some less than others.

| tell them to try sex

| >>942605 some retarded, some less than others, all of them commit csa

| >>942605
All organized religions are just cults and for people who have no real connections with a community or family.

| >>942611 what kind of organized religion or whatever the fuck were you apart of to feel it's for
"people who have no real CONNECTIONS


| >>942618 It's telling that this is the post you're angry about, not the one calling all organized religions pedophiles.

| >>942625

anyways, trad catholics ARE fucking weird.

| ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

| forgot danger/u/ doesn't support emojis. ignore that.

| it can be tough, g/u/rl. You might have to cut contact for a while. if you can, find out who their pastor is and talk with them. if the pastor is any good, they will intercede on your behalf

| >>2a3706 >>2a3706 >>2a3706 >>2a3706 >>2a3706 >>2a3706 >>2a3706 >>2a3706 >>2a3706 >>2a3706 >>2a3706 >>2a3706 >>2a3706 >>2a3706 >>2a3706 Cool color!

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1676903800

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