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I am drunk :3

| How are you? Love is complicated, isn't it. If only it's easy right

| I have flashback i feel~
I don't drink tbh, but enjoy ^^

| I am good thank you, how are you? Love indeed has its complicated moments, and some argue that that is part of its beauty. However, I think the most interesting parts of love occur when things are simple. Give people a hug and smile at them, send out love into the world from your very core. Warm up a little :) but this can be hard indeed. What happens when the heart is frozen over? Will it warm up with an internal flame or will the sun have to shine to free its burning core

| relationships are complicated. i just love my friends. sometimes we drink together or play vidya. is easy then :)

| Drink more :)

| It's only complex if you think with emotions. If you want someone, you playing hunting and start calculation.
If you hunt with a bad state in mind, you're gonna likely to lose your prey.

| Ugh, I got so drunk last night that I decided sliding out of my chair and sleeping on the floor was a comfy idea.
>it was not

| >>942215 Hi drunk. I'm dad!

| >>942553 it was extremely comfy exactly before you went unconscious though, and that's what matters. Hope your back was ok though

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1676896657

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