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Shota on Internet Survey

| Today i'm 24, but when i was around 12, i was having fun by founding Tor or talking with pedophiles on Omegle.. I just randomly memored it when friend talked me how he was cutted from cutted of head.. and i was just.. just this? xd I remember when i was sadistic again pedophiles, i was provocating them, and then tell them to crash them balls etc. about womans i wasn't like this, but i was shy.. so we usually talked about something else.. luckily they wasn't so self oriented as men.

| 480903

| >>941919 Lây Nhiễm or what?

| ohh is this the gurl that told pedophiles to smash their balls?? That shits so funny

| >>942169 i don't remember if i did on /u/, but on Omegle yes

| I remember one what send me photo of one toy what was having purpose to making balls flat.. and it wasn't balls anymore xd i told him to die and switched to another person

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1676621483

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