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Help to decide

| I recently meet a girl, she are so amazing I never meet a girl like she's, She's makes me so happy but she have a boyfriend(I know that sucks), some friends and I notice she's apparently she like me(sorry for my bad English I wanna tell She to me) But we not sure. I wanna know if I should tell her I feel something for her...

| stop posting

| >>941798 why?

| >>941797 you to her

| >>f6c6a5 yep I think, my English are so rusty

| >>941797
Here a better version

Recently, I've meet this grill, she's above my expectations and she knows well how to tickle me in the right way.
The thing is that she also has a boyfriend(Yeah, I want to go for the steal).
And because my brosky gave me a push, I've decided to seek for more push here. Have to get that hype meter maxed.
I like just want the stuff you know what I mean right? Like, my important feelings and such.

| Try sex

| she to me... what...

| tl;dr. also i'm fucking your mom

| get off of shitpost websites for a game no one played

| Give the fuck up stop imagining things

| man I feel ya when I someone's dad fliping burgers on a hot ass Grill.OOOOOHHHHHHHH! Shit is just begging to be stolen!

| if she leaves him for you, she'll leave you for someone else.

| >>942551 You must be sarcastic. Op's speech's skill would literally make people rethink several times before taking decisionion like these. If she leaves him for Op, she won't find a person as great as Op, and for such she'll never leave him.

| op no girl is going to love you

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1676859033

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