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| i'd rather sit in traffic for 5 hours than have this shit.

| Try anti gravity sex

| you're an endurance predator you bingus, you are intended to walk three miles an hour until you exhaust your prey, you are not intended to hurl down a highway at seventy in a steel can

| people out there fucking around in ways that have never been something that any biological mechanism could have prepared us for and wondering why there are side effects
smh smh, return to monke

| >>136ea7 OP here (network changed so ID changed), for 99% of my life this was never an issue until last year.

but yes. return to monke.

| I've never been comfortable in a car, especially air conditioned ones. Which is frustrating because it's inconvenient, do I really have to throw up every time damn

| this was explained in va-11 hall-a you casual

| >>941240 Your vestibular apparatus has deteriorated. Train it.

| >>941240
Yeah I use to never have car sickness but I think when I went to uni and stopped relying on cars to get everywhere I started getting carsick when people who can't drive smoothly (hope that makes sense) drive me around
How does one do that...

| >>941239 I reject your statement monkey man. I will fly down the highway at 100 miles per hour with the many man made substantive wonders coursing through my veins. The industrial revolution and it's consequences have been W Ü N D E R B A R.

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1676088024

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