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If Song-Chan is the average g/u/rl look

| Earlier I saw a post about how song-chan is what the average gurl looks like but

What does they average male gurl look like?????

| >boys
>on danger/u/

| >on danger/u/
>in danger/u/

| >male g/u/rl

| did you intentionally design this thread to be incorrect on every possible level or did all the stars align for us today

| >>940939 do you happen to have a boyfriend?

| The Visual C++ Redistributable installs Microsoft C and C++ (MSVC) runtime libraries. These libraries are required by many applications built by using Microsoft C and C++ tools. If your app uses those libraries, a Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package must be installed on the target system before you install your app. The Redistributable package architecture must match your app's target architecture.

| ok sorry guys i come to this site to pretend to be a cute anime girl but I guess that I fucked it up. I am sorry please forgive me god. I am on my knees.

| >>940959
op is lying. you need to leave the computer to get a boyfriend.

| >>940959 I'm a heterosexual male. sorry bro. I'd totally suck ur dick if i was a girl tho

| >>940976 you better start licking my shoe.

| >heterosexual male
larp larp larp larp

| >>941012 post dick pic

| >>941056 ok. I'll do it for 10 dollars

| you all need to go outside.

| Silly OP. There are no boys on the internet! :D

| >>941078 my dick pic will say otherwise. cashapp $yurphaes

| >Start a thread looking for boys
>Gurls call out her bullshit
>"Actually I am a boy"
Then why don't you just look at the mirror you niggurl! This is just blatant attention seeking Roleplayer

| lmao ??

| I'm the only biowoman here

| If Song-Chan is the average g/u/rl look, then the average g/u/y would be filipino boy, just use google. If you want to br more specific, then add "cancer survivor" as a keyword.

| Elona.

| >>941094 where?? Post it dickboy

| I wish I looked that good

| >>941207 its me. I'm op and I am filipino so you're basically right

| >>941284 mf i don't see no money in my cashapp acc. If you wanna see my tiny penis you must give me money

| >>941320 and if you want to claim to be a boy, you're gonna have to post proof. No proof? Then you're a g/u/rl.

| >>941320 ever watched any vtubers? They performs and THEN people donate if the audience like it. What make you so special that we have to give you money first? You are going to post your unwashed smelly vagina anyways.

| >>941207 https://imgur.com/a/Nbf5TvF

| >>941320 u didn't name a price...

| midia-chan .......

| >>941723
hah, you wish

Total number of posts: 32, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1676429456

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