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delusional pessimism

| a lot of you have it.

| elona

| true.
a lot of you are weakbrained.

| >>940910 rich coming from a gurl who can't make a meaningful human connection.

| i'm now an asshole. but a nice one if that makes any sense. pessimism is a cancer.

| >>940907 *fucks your mouth*

| instead of being tough and mean to pessimistic g/u/rls and making them feel worse, isn't it nicer to tell them they're cute and i love them and hope they feel better?

| >>940933 But what u don't understand is that I need someone to be mean to me with every fiber of my being

| >>940933
doesn't work. we still have the same whiny loners on this site wether you're kind to them or not. after xx number of times being kind to them, and they still respond with the same delusional pessimistic tomfoolery it would be stupid to continue.

let them get a taste of their own medicine.

| >>941061 preach.

| >>941061 it's ok to be a whiny loner. i love you anyways g/u/rl <3

| >>941071 to a certain extent, it's "ok"...

| y'all will get out of that hole eventually. then your outlook on life will be better. this isn't an exaggeration or a lie. too much pessimism will kill you.

| >>df064f What part of pessimism is delusional to you?

| >>941103 OP means that y'all are DELUSIONALLY pessimistic.

| see >>940913

| >>a2545c
you're right, of course. about everything. i wouldn't call them cute and i dont want to reinforce their mindset with positive reinforcment, but at least i can stop being shitty towards them. staring into the abyss and all that. love you too g/u/rl[s]

| >i dont want to reinforce their toxic mindset with positive reinforcment*

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1676048088

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