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Should nuclear bombs be legalized for recreational use?

| "thou shall have the right of access to nuclear bombs for thou shall bloweth thou enemy awayth"

| I approve of recreational nukes

| https://youtu.be/n1gaylKtM0s

| @fe94eb bro legit my point 10/10 video right there

| >@fe94eb
G/u/rl... what?

| G/u/rl just @ed someone on Danger/u/... I have never seen someone try to do that before.

| >>18f89c libtardg/u/rl confirmed for twitterbrained newfag

| Should nuclear bombs be legalized for home defence?

| >>938991

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1674477295

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