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| Need help on maybe planning a simple video game for my portofolio that showcases enough skills...and maybe attract some many people to play

What features do i include in relevance to the expected visitor and players? How many features and what are they, and how good should they be?

| elona

| Some sort of Twitch integration so stream viewers can participate might get the odd streamer to pick it up.

| >>938922 ...how do you code that in html? I can only move sprites by x and y only.... considering tululoo engine

| Learn Godot omegalul

| >>938923 >>fffce2 here. You're trying to do this in HTML? Why not make a visual novel then? With some simple HTML, CSS, and JS you could reasonably make a VN that people can play in their browser.

| Idk if it would get famous tho.

| >>938927 geee, the projection is already done there

>>938928 hey there. Uhm. Learning coding in general. Seems like important skill.
Yeah well i m not much of a writer. More of aesthetics. VN with 3d space maybe. Making some sort of 3d. Hence the projection issue.
>big hit.
One thing at a time i guess

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1674384178

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