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Am I mean?

| I find it kinda hard to care about people, but apparently people get really easily attached to me? And, well, an example from today is:
There's some guy who wants to date me and I was just casually talking to him and stuff. Barely even focusing just kinda default answering, and this guy ended up talking about stuff he's, like, never talked about with anybody before. It was nothing i hadn't heard before and I was just kinda autopiloting through the whole convo, but now he

| thinks I genuinely care about him. I didn't say anything to it. Just a little "yeah ofc" to him thanking me for helping him (I did, like, basically nothing at all) and, yeah, idk. I wouldn't mind letting him take me out for dinner or something at some point, but, idk if this counts as, like, leading him on or manipulation or something. I'm literally just answering whatever he says completely normally and he thinks it means I care a whole bunch when I've never said that

| This isn't the first time either. Ot happens a fair amount. Idk how to feel about it

| Same OP. It ends up getting me into all kinds of situations I never intended to get into. I haven't figured out what to do either, besides make it obvious I don't care. If you figure out what to do, please let me know.

| >>938891
I mean, sure. If I just say that they'd probably stop talking, but it's not like I want that necessarily. Chatting passes the time, yk? And for something like dinners we'll both be getting something out of it. I'm just confused on if I'm doing something wrong or not, like, morally

| >this guy ended up talking about stuff he's, like, never talked about with anybody before.
it sounds like he probably just doesn't have a lot of experience having close platonic friends, and has taken a level of care you would afford most people as special interest because the people he knows wouldn't normally care that much. it seems pretty common for english speaking/american men to be like that.

| >>938892 it's easy to imagine a situation arising where a person like him would feel maligned and taken advantage of after you do some things that you think are perfectly normal. my life advice is: don't worry if it's right or wrong & don't worry too much about hurting other people by accident, just do something you normally wouldn't and learn what happens. then you'll do better next time it happens.

| >>938895
Fair enough. Ty

Yeah, it's something like that. That sounds very accurate

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1674373390

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