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The CIA is trying to steal my penis, I am finding a place to hide it.


| try sex

| Sounds like you have a detachable penis. Those are pretty rare nowadays. I used to lend mine out to friends, but one never returned it.

Some people will pay good money for them, maybe sell it on Ebay. Depending on the condition, ypu could also take it to an antique place and have it appraised and auctioned, but it'd need to be a pretty nice penis for that.

| Go to /d/, lots of gurls are expert at hiding coc using their mouth

| >>04a992
All penis are detachable.


ඞ sus

| Hide it in a pussy

| #1fuck The dude that made this thread long asf with that dumb sus troll #2 hide it in the ceiling they always forget to look there

| Hide it in CIA HQ. They'll never think to look there

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1674482578

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