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i wish I could think and shut up

| sometimes i say things without thinking about it, it's normal, i think most people do it, apparently my landlord doesn't understand the concept that you can say something by accident, they're weirdly attached to me so i always feel like if i say the wrong thing they'll kick me out, i always say I'm sorry but they never believe me, I'm really bad at conversations and really awkward, idk what they expect from me
sorry for the rant, i just hate it cause they have the best price around

| Fuck their mouth with your tongue.
In all seriousness, what kind of things you accidentally say? And what do you exactly mean with 'weirdly attached to you'?

| you give zesty energy.

| try sex

Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1674238832

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