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No.i like it. So i dont want fagwives/womens around me

| Or any human psycho gayass.

| For nutrisari nigers

| schizo

| >>938102 nobody can, faggot. Nobody. Not your heaven above either.

| i have no idea what you're talking about. kys.

| >>938106 keep crying

| nobody is crying goddamn ???

| >>938111 why are so fucking wet,
For me then?

Hahahahhaa lol so fucking funny you esl fags. Maybe go back to school like your dead grandpa asked you to

| OK

| Guess less dont make you moarrr



| A harem of Fagwives sounds based

| >>938167 can we get homomarried so i can be one of your fagwives? <3

| >>938167 >>938188 go home yer drunk

Also tell 4chan to unban and maybe have a look at themselves in the mirror.
A real mirror. Not one that makes em look like a goose...or a fucking frog.

Which still looks better than them.

| What the fuck is a fagwife

| >>938211 "what if my nose cant handle"
"Deal with it" yakuza=god=yakuza

Never wrong.

| >>938211

>The story concerns a fox that tries to eat grapes from a vine but cannot reach them. Rather than admit defeat, he states they are undesirable. The expression "fagwives" originated from this fable.

| https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fox_and_the_Grapes#Cognitive_dissonance

| >>938213 >>938214 looks interesting. I dont get it but it seems like dissonance for the fox to say something undesirable but then the fox merit from the idea that a good desirable grape is only if it is reachable, so by default he will only consider it desirable IF and ONLY if that a grape is reachable...
So it is not dissonant at all except the first moment the fox fails to measure the first time the grape is unreachable.

| Good things needs power.

But power isnt real
And it s not yours

So good things arent real

So is above and below

But i am the immortal. The soul.
And good things still isnt real

Like the better sanji arc.

That s not real either.

| How far?! How many more? Will the black leg becomes pegleg?!?!?!

Yea who cares.

Poof it goes.

| Why does mari ozawa writes tastelessly
Is it because her name shares one with a pornstar?
Or perhaps it is the same person? Hmhm

| >>fbfd47 >>2da25a >>fbfd47
Have you ever tried conversing with people instead of talking at them/with yourself?


Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1673778361

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